


插件 » Redmine Knowledgebase 知识管理插件

Redmine Knowledgebase


发布于: https://github.com/alexbevi/redmine_knowledgebase
兼容于: Redmine 5.1.*,  5.0.*,  4.2.*,  4.1.*,  4.0.*,  3.4.*,  3.3.*,  3.2.*

最新版本: 5.0.0 更新日期: 2024-10-08 16:08



zhou rongxuan11 个月 之前添加

请问“4.1.1_修订版_6”支持redmine 5.1版本吗

redmineplugins.cn Admin11 个月 之前添加

@zhou rongxuan 你好,redmine_knowledgebase-4.1.1_7可以支持redmine 5.1,见插件版本更新页面。

redmineplugins.cn Admin大约 2 年 之前添加

@z r @guo hongxing 4.1.1_修订版_5修复了这个问题,方便时收邮件。

guo hongxing大约 2 年 之前添加

@z r 应该可以吧。演示网站上的知识库可以搜索,例如:搜索 炒肉

z r大约 2 年 之前添加


redmineplugins.cn Admin超过 2 年 之前添加

@忍者 火影 (Mysql2::Error: Table 'bitnami_redmine.kb_categories’ doesn’t exist) 这个错误表示插件没有正确安装,相关的表缺失。要求确保正确执行了如下操作:

cd <Redmine安装目录>/apps/redmine/htdocs
bundle install
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate

忍者 火影超过 2 年 之前添加

还有注明一下,我是用bitnami redmine集成安装安装的redmine

忍者 火影超过 2 年 之前添加

[9c27fa9a-9a5d-44bd-8d93-e1cff8121c69] plugins/redmine_knowledgebase/app/controllers/articles_controller.rb:24:in `index’
[9c27fa9a-9a5d-44bd-8d93-e1cff8121c69] lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:61:in `sudo_mode’
I, [2022-06-15T16:14:05.855377 #3300] INFO – : [99b76a6c-61ac-4308-8375-43f2df18856a] Started GET "/redmine/projects/haha/activity” for ::1 at 2022-06-15 16:14:05 +0800
I, [2022-06-15T16:14:05.855893 #3300] INFO – : [99b76a6c-61ac-4308-8375-43f2df18856a] Processing by ActivitiesController#index as HTML
I, [2022-06-15T16:14:05.855961 #3300] INFO – : [99b76a6c-61ac-4308-8375-43f2df18856a] Parameters: {“id"⇒“haha”}
I, [2022-06-15T16:14:05.860884 #3300] INFO – : [99b76a6c-61ac-4308-8375-43f2df18856a] Current user: user (id=1)
I, [2022-06-15T16:14:05.880814 #3300] INFO – : [99b76a6c-61ac-4308-8375-43f2df18856a] Rendered activities/index.html.erb within layouts/base (Duration: 5.4ms | Allocations: 3827)
I, [2022-06-15T16:14:05.881992 #3300] INFO – : [99b76a6c-61ac-4308-8375-43f2df18856a] Rendered inline template (Duration: 0.3ms | Allocations: 146)
I, [2022-06-15T16:14:05.896489 #3300] INFO – : [99b76a6c-61ac-4308-8375-43f2df18856a] Rendered layout layouts/base.html.erb (Duration: 21.1ms | Allocations: 13638)
I, [2022-06-15T16:14:05.896884 #3300] INFO – : [99b76a6c-61ac-4308-8375-43f2df18856a] Completed 200 OK in 41ms (Views: 18.2ms | ActiveRecord: 11.7ms | Allocations: 19940)
I, [2022-06-15T16:14:14.186649 #3300] INFO – : [b790847f-a2f8-4944-a637-e583d413cc09] Started GET "/redmine/projects/haha/knowledgebase/articles” for ::1 at 2022-06-15 16:14:14 +0800
I, [2022-06-15T16:14:14.187436 #3300] INFO – : [b790847f-a2f8-4944-a637-e583d413cc09] Processing by ArticlesController#index as HTML
I, [2022-06-15T16:14:14.187618 #3300] INFO – : [b790847f-a2f8-4944-a637-e583d413cc09] Parameters: {“project_id"⇒“haha”}
I, [2022-06-15T16:14:14.192298 #3300] INFO – : [b790847f-a2f8-4944-a637-e583d413cc09] Current user: user (id=1)
I, [2022-06-15T16:14:14.197409 #3300] INFO – : [b790847f-a2f8-4944-a637-e583d413cc09] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 10ms (ActiveRecord: 3.9ms | Allocations: 2312)
F, [2022-06-15T16:14:14.198156 #3300] FATAL – : [b790847f-a2f8-4944-a637-e583d413cc09]
[b790847f-a2f8-4944-a637-e583d413cc09] ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql2::Error: Table 'bitnami_redmine.kb_categories’ doesn’t exist):
[b790847f-a2f8-4944-a637-e583d413cc09] plugins/redmine_knowledgebase/app/controllers/articles_controller.rb:24:in `index’
[b790847f-a2f8-4944-a637-e583d413cc09] lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:61:in `sudo_mode’

忍者 火影超过 2 年 之前添加

[9c27fa9a-9a5d-44bd-8d93-e1cff8121c69] ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql2::Error: Table 'bitnami_redmine.kb_categories’ doesn’t exist):
[9c27fa9a-9a5d-44bd-8d93-e1cff8121c69] plugins/redmine_knowledgebase/app/controllers/articles_controller.rb:24:in `index’
[9c27fa9a-9a5d-44bd-8d93-e1cff8121c69] lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:61:in `sudo_mode’


忍者 火影超过 2 年 之前添加

我是5.0.0版本的,安装了之后,点击知识库就出现Internal error页面的提示错误了,怎么解决,急

Chen Snowman将近 3 年 之前添加

@长 长 稍候测试下Knowledgebase 和 onlyoffice_redmine的兼容性

长 长将近 3 年 之前添加



redmineplugins.cn Admin超过 3 年 之前添加


Chang Uart超过 3 年 之前添加


匿名用户大约 4 年 之前添加

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_knowledgebase

@chen rain Snowman

Chen Snowman大约 4 年 之前添加

@yuan_lianhuan 按如下步骤再试试看:

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_knowledgebase


yuan lianhuan大约 4 年 之前添加



linux@linux-virtual-machine:~/redmine_git/redmine-4.1.1-7/apps/redmine/htdocs$ bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_knowledgebase
rake aborted!
Mysql2::Error::ConnectionError: Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock’ (2)
/home/linux/redmine_git/redmine-4.1.1-7/apps/redmine/htdocs/lib/redmine/plugin.rb:550:in `get_all_versions’
/home/linux/redmine_git/redmine-4.1.1-7/apps/redmine/htdocs/lib/redmine/plugin.rb:558:in `current_version’
/home/linux/redmine_git/redmine-4.1.1-7/apps/redmine/htdocs/lib/redmine/plugin.rb:540:in `migrate_plugin’
/home/linux/redmine_git/redmine-4.1.1-7/apps/redmine/htdocs/lib/redmine/plugin.rb:483:in `migrate’
/home/linux/redmine_git/redmine-4.1.1-7/apps/redmine/htdocs/lib/redmine/plugin.rb:494:in `migrate’
/home/linux/redmine_git/redmine-4.1.1-7/apps/redmine/htdocs/lib/tasks/redmine.rake:135:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP ⇒ redmine:plugins:migrate
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

Chen Snowman大约 4 年 之前添加

按照提示操作,执行 bundle install --no-deployment

小孩 坏大约 4 年 之前添加

bundle install 时输出下面提示怎么解决?

You are trying to install in deployment mode after changing
your Gemfile. Run `bundle install` elsewhere and add the
updated ../Gemfile.lock to version control.

If this is a development machine, remove the /opt/bitnami/apps/redmine/htdocs/Gemfile freeze
by running `bundle install --no-deployment`.

The dependencies in your gemfile changed

You have added to the Gemfile:
  • redmine_crm
  • ya2yaml
  • awesome_nested_set

redmineplugins.cn Admin大约 4 年 之前添加

@Smith Johnson 用 #129 可以做到根类别可折叠

Smith Johnson大约 4 年 之前添加



<tr class="project child leaf <%= category.level > 0 ? "idnt idnt-#{category.level}" : nil %>">
  <td class="name">
    <% if has_children %>
        <span class="expander" onclick="toggleShowHide(<%= "'#{cat_id}'" %>)">
        <%= link_to(category.title, {:controller => 'categories', :action => 'show', :id => category.id, :project_id => @project} ) %>
        <%= " (#{category.articles.count})" if (category.articles.count > 0 && show_category_totals?) %>
    <% end %>

<% subs = category.children %>
<% subs = subs.sort_by(&:title) if sort_categories? %>
<% subs.each do |subcat| %>
  <%= render :partial => 'categories/tree_row', :locals => { :category => subcat } %>

<% has_children = category.children.any? { |p| p.visible? } %>

<% end %>

Smith Johnson大约 4 年 之前添加


redmineplugins.cn Admin超过 4 年 之前添加

@Chang Uart 是的,因为redmineup的系列插件会依赖tags,同时Redmine Knowledgebase也会。有一个解决方案是安装 redmine_acts_as_taggable_on 以化解他们的冲突。你可以试试看,我还没有验证过。

Chang Uart超过 4 年 之前添加

似乎跟CRM插件衝突, 但也許是安裝方法的問題.

redmineplugins.cn Admin将近 5 年 之前添加

是的,可以支持4.1.0 stable

匿名用户将近 5 年 之前添加

支持4.1.0 stable版本吗?