Redmine统计分析插件插件可以将任何Redmine数据轻松地以精美的图形和图表进行可视化。有超过 22 个预定义图表,显示有关您的项目、任务、用户、花费时间和估计时间的数据。

- 支持全局和项目级统计仪表板。全局统计仪表板显示基于所有Redmine数据的图形和图表。此外,每个项目都可以有自己的统计仪表板,仅显示项目数据。
- 支持最常见统计数据的预定义图形和图表,所有重要的 Redmine 实体都有预定义的图表,例如项目、任务、跟踪器、用户、活动、优先级、花费时间和估计时间。
- 支持定制任何图表,每个图表都有参数配置,因此可以显示所需的数据和时间范围。可以定义图例位置以最好地可视化图形数据,或者如果相同颜色的图表太多,则选择调色板。
- 自定义图形和图表开发,如果缺少特定的图表或图表,可以在统计视图中直接对其进行排序。
1.1.3 (2022-10-31)
兼容性: Redmine 4.1.*, 4.2.*, 5.0.*
- My page statistics blocks removal fixed - statistics grids from the removed blocks were left in DB with their charts. Statistics grid is now deleted from DB along with all its charts, when its my page block is removed by the user.
- ActiveSupport::Duration class is now added to the Rails.application.config.active_record.yaml_column_permitted_classes directly from the init.rb file (this is necessary for Redmine 4.2.8+ and 5.0.3+). Modification of config/application.rb is not required anymore.
- Upgrade of the chart data DB records from version 1.0.0 to the current format is now done by the 006_upgrade_chart_data_format migration.
- Loading of the default charts and grids is now done by the 007_load_default_chart_data migration. This migration is also used to repair grids with incorrect format, caused by the load_default_charts.rake task, when ActiveSupport::Duration class is not explicitly allowed on Redmine 4.2.8+ and 5.0.3+.
- The load_default_charts.rake task, which performed the operations mentioned in the previous points above, is no longer needed. Task was removed.